Sabbiatrici Pallinatrici 100% Made in Italy      Sabbiatrici Lampugnani      Sandblasting Machines 100% Made in Italy

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Manufacturing industries such as engineering, aerospace, electronics or automotive demand precision control shot peening operations. Regular surface cleaning and finishing must be highly effective, non-aggressive and without risk to the operator. Ceramic and glass microbeads offers an excellent combination of physical/chemical properties which no other granular product can match. The microbeads are available in a wide range of granulometries making them suitable for a variety of surfaces and applications. Our ceramic and glass microbeads offers are made of finest quality tempered sodium glass and are lead free. They are chemically inert and do not provoke silicosis, nor do they penetrate, alter or contaminate the treated surface in any way. Their special composition and elasticity make the microballs extremely hard wearing and impact-proof, providing a highly effective and complete action. 

Shot-Peening Sandblasting Glassbeads Ceramic beads




Glassbeads, ceramic beads, Sandblasting Shot-peening Sandblasting Shot-peening Glassbeads, ceramic beads, Sandblasting Shot-peening Glassbeads, ceramic beads, Sandblasting Shot-peening











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